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Showing posts from May, 2018

The Difference Between Bribery and Corruption

Sometimes people confuse the terms 'bribery' and 'corruption'.  Sometimes people mix their definitions around, think they're the same or have no idea what they actually mean.  Bribery and corruption are both major breaches of business security in a workplace.  A bribery investigation is undertaken when someone or a group of people get accused for paying someone to do something - illegal or legal.  A corruption investigation analyses a group of people or a person to investigate illegal activity and bribes.  But is bribery and corruption really that different?  Bribery When investigators undertake a bribery investigation, they look for illegal payments and bribes.  They are usually to people who have powerful positions in society.  Someone might pay someone to influence their decision on something significant.  Bribery is bad for business security because it disrupts the integrity of the corporation.  If bribery occurs in the workplace

Steps in a Whistleblower Investigation

A whistleblower is the person who sounds the alarm.  They disclose information relating to misconduct in the workplace.  A whistleblower investigation is conducted by investigation specialists who look into illegal allegations.  They create a report and uncover the truth.  We've put some steps together to show you how business security is kept intact.  Investigating whistleblower incidents takes a specific skillset and impartiality to do.  How much do you know about whistleblower investigations? Once an allegation comes to light, a case begins When the business security gets compromised, it's time to call in the investigation specialists.  The best way to uncover the truth about suspicions is to enlist third-party professionals.  A whistleblower investigation begins by recording the allegation from the victim.  This is usually done by writing details down, taking voice recordings and getting as much information as possible.  Once an allegation c